Tuesday, October 5, 2010

8:21..oct 5

no more tears.. the lonely i can still feel, but with the afternoon came sunlight and an uplift in my thoughts.. distracted myself by spending hours trying to clean the kitchen.. along with the three refrigerators, stove, grill and every other appliance known to man.. took complete inventory of what was left by the 11 people living here before me, and it looks like i will be making a lot of Christmas cookies trying to use up all of this flour and sugar. but was finally able to sweep the floor and finish cleansing yet another part of this school house. by then the clouds had begun to break up so i decided i would head down to the store and leave a note for Becca to see if she wanted company on the drive into town tomorrow since i have the day off again.. i would love to invest in some water colors and canvas.. crossing my fingers i can find some.
and i cannot explain how much it made my day to find a mountain bike sitting outside when i went to leave.. just like the one i left at home.. just parked there right against the side of the house.. perfect :) it felt awesome to ride again and i did so for much longer after i made it to the store and back.. it was still cold but the sun took turns with the clouds and even with the breeze i was warm from the work out.. a shower and some yoga felt wonderful, and sitting outside on the porch to watch the sunset made everything in my life feel ok.
amazing what the sun will do to your spirit.. thankful for the warmth and the comfort.. thankful for the adventure and the bliss of being alone in the beautiful mountains..

1 comment:

  1. See, I knew the stormy "blues" would roll away and sunshine would fill your heart and soul again. But my goodness, who wouldn't get the blues if faced with cleaning 3 refrigerators, stove grill, appliances, and all the other mess from 11 previous inhabitants! And this was, presumably your day off? Though losing oneself in a huge task such as cleaning is a great way to lose the "blues."
    And the bike? What a lovely blessing. Who thought to leave that for you?
    Will you soon get 10 roommates to help fill the schoolhouse? Please post pictures of the schoolhouse. It would be fun to see it.

    Are the pictures you're including with the blog ones you have taken? Or are they stock photos you've found that are representative of what you're seeing as you collect your thoughts about the day?

    I just had one meeting cancelled for the day, so am free to work until my 6:00 pm meeting with a couple members of the Library Board. So, it's off to the studio with me.

    Hugs and kisses,
